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The Most Cool DIY Ideas For Your Room Mirror

To begin with, we promise you as you go further you’ll not see ideas that would encourage you to use bamboo sticks, egg shells, colourful spoons or anything you saw in the 20th century while looking for DIY ideas.

Mirror mirror on the wall,

Let us together look pretty amongst all!

A good mirror not only makes you feel more confident and pretty but also decks up your room and selfies.

The following DIY ideas are simple and quick methods to decorate your old boring mirror. Most of the material used is the one that is usually available in your house or is super affordable even if bought from outside. Let us get started!

1. The Play It Cool Mirror:

What is better than discarding your old badminton racket? Turning it into a mirror!

How to do it?

All you have to do this, find your old racket and pull out the strings carefully using tweezers and cutters. Once you have a hollow racket, measure it and get your mirror cut accordingly. Join the two together and you’re ready to play it cool. You could accessorize it even more by hanging around some shuttlecocks along the with fairy lights attached to their flow.

2. The Obsessed Mirror:

Can’t stop looking at yourself anyway and are crazy for pictures? Then this one is super easy-peasy doable for you. Collect all the pictures you love of your self. They could be a series of your growing up or any other fun moments with friends and family or even your silly selfies. Anything that works for you, works here.

How to do it?

All you have to do is get them printed in postcard size and start pasting them together along the edges of your existing mirror. Keep going till you have covered all the sizes. Your vibrant, cheerful is ready to vibe with your self-love!

3. The Homely Mirror

Time to dig up the kitchen closet. You really don’t need more than some old crockery or your favourite plate as a kid to do the following.

 How to do it?

Grab your favourite piece of crockery mainly a tray or a plate with a smooth surface. You can choose the side you would want to stick your mirror. In a few pieces, the back is more smooth and flattened but it is okay to go for the front side too. Get your mirror accordingly and stick the two together. Your homemade a mirror is ready to go on that wall.

4. The Rope It Around Mirror:

This one as seen is the easiest to do.

How to do it?

Let the existing mirror be there. Grab some rope lying in the store room and wrap it around your mirror. You can choose the number of layer you want to go around with. Once you have settled the base with one to two minimum layers, use the rest of the rope to create a design at the top or bottom or even on the sides.

In order to make it look more pleasing, you could cut and paste anything around it; anything can be pasted on the rope simply with fevicol.

P.S. Girls, you can even use the rope to hand your earrings due to its material.

5. The Hang In There Mirror:

This one is another great idea when you don’t plan to make much changes to your existing mirror.

When in doubt, fringe it out!

 How to do it?

In order to make the fringes around and hang them below your mirror, you could use any material from wool to old clothes to even paper. You could even braid broom sticks to make fringes. No Kidding! Be as innovative with your fringes as you can be. Of course straws are another option. The idea is to add colors and make the mirror look more lively. From whatever material chosen, decide an appropriate size of base area that you could use to glue with the mirror an cut the rest of it into fringes. Yes, with the blink of the eye, you’re done here!

6. The Rug You In Open Arms Mirror:

In some of us our previous articles we’ve talked about how rugs are one of the most under-rated decor item confined under the tables or outside bathrooms.

With variant and aesthetic pleasing rugs, you can do so much more. Just like how right now you could turn it into a mirror.

 How to do this?

Three easy steps and you’re done. Firstly, choose a rug. It could be of whatever design, pattern or color you may like. Just make sure it is thick enough to take the weight of the mirror. Secondly, choose whatever shape of mirror you’d want. And finally stick the mirror on the rug and hang it on your wall. Beautiful and convenient mirror is right there!

7. The Super Star Mirror:

Seen enough of vanity van mirrors? Celeb selfies in front of perfectly lit mirrors are going overboard now? But the confusion to stick all those bulbs around your mirror looks like a hassle?

Don’t worry, we got you covered with cheap thrills.

How to do this?

 You don’t necessarily need LED bulbs or over-used fairy lights. Instead go for tubbed LED lights which are sacked together and are compact. Wrap them around your mirror as they are easy to mold and connect them to a switch. You’re ready to glow!

You could even opt for neon lights. To enhance their effect, place them behind them the mirror instead of on or front the mirror, unlike LED lights.

Don’t restrict yourself to only this much, create more and think more. Happy Looking!


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